Adopting sustainability as a business strategy, you can achieve:
- The opportunity to gain increased customer loyalty and long-term customer value
- The opportunity to improve your reputation on the market and the quality of the services/products you offer
- The opportunity to make a difference to the environment and the community in which you operate
- The opportunity to become leaders in your industry by adopting an environmentally and socially responsible approach to the way you do business, therefore being ahead of competition
We are committed to provide practical advice and effective strategies that will help your organisation become sustainable for the long-term. Our focus is on creating value for your business that, in return, will allow you to create a better future for your staff, your clients and the community you operate in.
The way we create long-term value is by placing sustainable development at the core of your business strategy. By integrating sustainable environmental performance, corporate social responsibility, sustainable communications and constant marketing innovation, we will support you in creating and maintaining long-term positive growth and success for your organisation.
The way we create long-term value is by placing sustainable development at the core of your business strategy. By integrating sustainable environmental performance, corporate social responsibility, sustainable communications and constant marketing innovation, we will support you in creating and maintaining long-term positive growth and success for your organisation.
Our vision is to train and inspire SMEs become sustainable entities that will lay the foundations of a better future for us all - in the way we live, work and play through:
- care for and ethical responsibility toward the environment;
- constant strive for innovation (in marketing and overall business practices);
- embracing change and igniting stewardship action from business leaders and consumers alike;
- caring for and investing in people (from employees and their families, to local communities and disadvantaged groups of people wherever they live).
These practices (goals in themselves) need to be applied to every strategy in the marketing mix: Product Strategy, Pricing, Distribution Strategy, Promotion Strategy and People Strategy, to achieve the goal of becoming sustainable.
“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” (Native American Proverb) |
- Interested in becoming a sustainable business but don't know where to start?
- Struggling to get staff on board with your sustainable ideas and policies?
- Looking for practical ways to tap into the environmental-conscious market?